Sunday, July 5, 2009

3 Powerful Secret Strategies to Getting Targeted MLM Leads

What are targeted MLM leads? When we talk about the term 'targeted' we aren't talking about leads acquired from a lead company. Most of us network marketers already know how those turn out. These so-called targeted leads are nothing more than people who are either tire kickers, broke, or just plain employee minded. I don't believe in 'targeted' leads from a company, and I don't think you should either.

Targeted MLM leads are leads who want EXACTLY what you are trying to offer. I'm talking about people who are actually interested in what you're selling or offering, people who are very much excited to learn more about what you're offering. That is the difference.

How does one acquire targeted MLM leads? There are many different ways; however, I'm going to share just 3 of them right now. Keep in mind, if you want to learn more make sure you visit the link at the bottom to learn more of my most guarded secrets.

1. Target Your Market - typically, as network marketers, we are taught to market to our friends and family or even cold call so called targeted MLM leads. This is absolutely wrong. Why? Well, does it make sense to advertise to people who haven't even asked to hear your message? How about just targeting people who DO want financial freedom, or people who ARE looking for a home based business? The latter just makes plain sense.

2. Target With Your Copy - typically, promotional material and company websites don't fit the bill in writing good copy. They like to bore the reader with things the reader does not care about. So what if your company sold 1 Billion dollars worth of product last year? Who cares? Do you think your reader cares about these boring stats that don't concern them? Engage your reader with things he or she WANTS to hear, like how THEY are going to benefit from what you are offering.

What is a benefit as opposed to a feature?

Feature - World- Class Selling Product with the highest quality of ingredients in the world

Benefit- High quality product that sells itself so you can make the most profits with the least work.

See the difference? Sell your prospects on the BENEFITS they will receive from your offer.

3. Target your Advertisements - If you were selling electric toothbrushes, would you go to a spa to sell them or would you go to a dentist's office? Obviously, the dentist's office. With that in mind, you want to advertise your business or offer in relevant places. Here are a few ideas/places to get targeted MLM leads:

a. MLM Forums b. Keyword Focused Per-Per-Click advertising c. MLM Ezines

Okay, that is it for now but for more tips on getting targeted MLM leads make sure you visit the link below.

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